The Campaign for Co-creation
This site-specific installation entitled "The Campaign for Co-creation" was shown at the Brand Library Art Gallery in Glendale, California in 2011.
The purpose of this project is to encourage contemplation about our relationship to nature and the universe using two points of view. During Lincoln’s bicentennial in 2009 I found a particular photo of Lincoln and his general talking across the table from each other inside a tent. I thought this was a moving image of two men strategizing a way to win a just war. In my campaign setting there is also a tent, a table and two chairs with quotes by Terrence McKenna (the altered statesman) and Carl Sagan (the scientist). McKenna’s quote presents nature as a living entity, a kind of intelligence, a kind of mind. Sagan resists the temptation to trust instinct – wanting quantifiable results before he will believe. As I see it, this is our struggle to live in harmony with our duel nature, our male/female aspects, what we now call the right brain and left brain with regard to how we approach nature and our universe.
The purpose of this project is to encourage contemplation about our relationship to nature and the universe using two points of view. During Lincoln’s bicentennial in 2009 I found a particular photo of Lincoln and his general talking across the table from each other inside a tent. I thought this was a moving image of two men strategizing a way to win a just war. In my campaign setting there is also a tent, a table and two chairs with quotes by Terrence McKenna (the altered statesman) and Carl Sagan (the scientist). McKenna’s quote presents nature as a living entity, a kind of intelligence, a kind of mind. Sagan resists the temptation to trust instinct – wanting quantifiable results before he will believe. As I see it, this is our struggle to live in harmony with our duel nature, our male/female aspects, what we now call the right brain and left brain with regard to how we approach nature and our universe.